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Advertising in Russian Directory in Los Angeles, San Diego and Phoenix, AZ


About readers of Echoru.com

The Russian-speaking community is a vital target for advertisers due to their significant buying power, high level of education, and affluence. For example, readers of Echoru.com - a Russian-language online publication - are exceptionally responsive to advertised products and services, as they have a strong affinity and trust for the website.

In addition, the Russian-speaking community is a diverse group, with new businesses continually emerging and growing in different fields. This community is found in large metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Phoenix, and many other regions throughout the US.

According to most modest estimates, there are around 82,000 Russian-speaking residents in the San Diego area, more than 700,000 Russian-speaking residents in Los Angeles and Orange County areas, and approximately 55,000 in the Phoenix area.

The readers of Echoru.com actively seek different products and services, making them a powerful group for advertisers to target. Advertisers who understand the unique needs and preferences of this community have the potential to make a significant impact on their businesses growth and success.




«Russian Yellow Pages»


РАЗМЕРЫ И ЦЕНЫ     Order Form


Our directory's purpose is to unite our community even more closely, to display effectively all spheres of business, and to be the present conductor between you and your potential clients. Besides for business and the advertising information, you will find all the sights of your city, city map, public transportation map, emergency phones, telephone area codes, addresses and coordinates of the regional centers where you can get help in Russian language, as well as contact information of all city federal services for fast answers of any problems. Places for correct and fast registration of your business and how and where to get a license have been described in detail. All this, and many other things make our directory interesting and effective for its users on the one hand, and worthy information - advertising source on the other.



See printed version Russian Yellow Pages


 The main differences and advantage of our manual is in the efficiency of its distribution, which focuses on direct delivery of personal and business addresses across Russian-speaking communities as well as in our FREE ONLINE PUBLICATION release on the website www.EchoRu.com

We invite all advertisers to cooperate and we thank for the rendered trust. Our directory is a perfect tool in developing your business, and readers can appreciate your services.

Volume: 250 black & white pages, 20 full color pages
Circulation: 15,000 copies
The cover is full color on both sides.
Will be distributed to San Fernando Valley, Burbank,  Los Angeles, Calabasas (or Thousand Oaks) Pasadena, Glendale, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Santa Clarita,  Orange County 
The dead line for submitting the artwork - The end of October


SIZES&PRICES                               Order Form




«Russian Yellow Pages San Diego»


 РАЗМЕРЫ И ЦЕНЫ                            Order Form


Volume: 120 black & white pages, 24 full color pages
Circulation: 10,000 copies
The cover is full color on both sides.
Will be distributed to San Diego, Vista, Carlsbad, La Mesa, La Jolla, Rancho Bernardo, El Cajon,  Spring Valley, Chula Vista, Oceanside, Orange County
The dead line for submitting the artwork - The end of October


 SIZES&PRICES                            Order Form




Advertising on website


It is well known that in order to succeed, a business must spend at least 3% of their working capital on advertising. The Internet has opened a new era in this regard.
Why is it worth advertising your product or service on the Internet?

• Advertising on the Internet is universal. It combines both image (television, radio, posters), and informational (newspapers, magazines, flyers) components. Only on the Internet is it possible to ingrain in the consumer’s mind a visual image (logo) of a company, enterprise, organization or private entrepreneur, and to give complete information about them and about the goods and services that they offer. That is, to effectively create and promote a brand in a short amount of time. (See also Website Building)

• Your ad will appeal to the younger, more active and creditworthy consumer sector. (See also profile of our audience) Over the past few years, the circulation of magazines and newspapers, even the most popular ones, has declined significantly. This trend can be seen both in information and political publications, as well as in glossy magazines. Readers of print media were people of the older age group. Therefore, advertising in the print media began to work less efficiently.

• Advertising on television and radio is often not affordable for the average producer, and the information component here is limited to seconds of broadcasting. In addition, it is imposed on the consumer against his will and therefore its effectiveness is limited. The Internet has an obvious advantage here - only interested consumers will react to your advertising.

• Using counters and special programs, you can calculate the effectiveness of the information campaign up to each interested Internet user, which makes it possible to correctly and clearly plan an advertising strategy.

Echoru, LLC. places the following types of advertising on its portals:

• Banner advertising
• Links 
• PR articles (advertising articles)



For more infermation please call us at 858-877-3642


Реклама на сайте


Известно, что любой бизнес, чтобы преуспеть должен тратить на рекламу минимум 3% от суммы оборотных средств предприятия. Интернет открыл новую эру в этой области.

Почему стоит рекламировать свой товар или услугу в интернете?

• Реклама в интернете универсальна, она сочетает в себе как имиджевую (телевидение, радио, постеры), так и информационную (газеты, журналы, флаеры) компоненты. Только в интернете достигается возможность закрепить в памяти потребителя визуальный образ (логотип) компании, предприятия, организации или частного предпринимателя, и дать полную информацию о них и/или о товарах и услугах, которые они производят. То есть в короткие сроки создать бренд и раскрутить его. (См. также Построение сайтов)

• Ваша реклама будет обращена к более молодому, активному и кредитоспособному сектору потребителей. (См. также Профиль нашей аудитории) За последние несколько лет тираж журналов и газет, даже самых популярных, значительно сократился, эта тенденция прослеживается как в информационно-политических изданиях, так и в глянцевых журналах. Приверженцами печатных изданий остались люди старшей возрастной группы. Поэтому реклама в печатных СМИ стала работать менее эффективно.

• Размещение рекламы на телевидении и радио, зачастую не по карману среднему производителю, а информационная компонента здесь ограничена секундами эфира. Кроме всего она навязывается потребителю помимо его воли и поэтому коэффициент ее эффективности тоже не высок. Интернет имеет здесь очевидное преимущество - на вашу рекламу среагируют только заинтересованные потребители.

• При помощи счетчиков и специальных программ можно просчитать эффективность информационного кампейна вплоть до каждого заинтересованного пользователя интернета, что дает возможность грамотно и четко планировать рекламную стратегию.

Компания Echoru, LLC. размещает на своих порталах следующие виды рекламы:

• Баннерная реклама
• Ссылки (линки)
• PR-статьи (рекламные статьи)




 Для получения дополнительной информации вы можете связаться с нами по телефону: 858-877-3642, или по имайлу: info@echoru.net